The European Commission encourages Open Source use through FIWARE

FIWARE is thrilled to have been included in the recent European Commission report “Communication to the Commission – Open Source Software Strategy 2020 – 2023 – Think Open” as one of the major drivers helping to level the playing field for the use of open source across Europe and beyond.

With the report, the European Commission reinforces its internal working culture, which is already largely based on open source principles and aims to invigorate the European Union’s one-of-a-kind social market economy, promote competition and encourage SMEs to work towards the creation of innovative solutions that support common policies.

To know more click here.



Kick off the IDEASFORUM Smart Cities Competence Centre

On October 27th, a group of pioneers met to kick off the activities of the Smart Cities Competence Centre of the IDEASFORUM Innovation Hub.

Cities, Utilities, Academia, Civil Society and Industry were equally represented and the level of the discussions was extremely factual and 3 working groups were proposed as concrete starting points for the work of the domain:

  1. Working Group on trustworthy AI and transparent use of data, to help Public Administrations and industry engaging with the Public Sector having clear guidance and understanding of the ethics of processing data and how can we engage citizens, sharing knowledge and increasing awareness of their rights and benefits in the processing of personal data.
  2. Working Group on sustainable business models, focused in designing concrete business frameworks in order to assure not only successful implementation but also continuous operations of digital transformation initiatives.
  3. Working Group on Street Lighting technologies, to coordinate a review of demands from public agencies and favour a joint interaction with the lighting industry, in order to achieve better match of demand and offer for lighting products and guarantee economies of scale.

The working groups will start their actives in the following days, with umagine GmbH supporting and coordinating their activities in the first phases.

Two honoured guests, Rami Sivary (a thought leader on e-mobility charging infrastructure) and Karl Nyman (manager at Gofore, the Finnish ICT company that is one of the biggest contributors to the X-road e-government open source community) joined us and contributed to the discussion.

Should you be interested in participating, feel free to reach out to the IDEASFORUM Team.

New Report available: “Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU”

The Joint Research Center for Policies of the European Commission has published the new report on Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU.

This document presents the final results of the research “Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU: understanding public sector innovation in a data-driven society”.

Please download the Report from here.

Kick-Off of the IDEASFORUM Smart Energy Competence Center

On October 7th, during the Kick-Off Event for the Smart Energy Competence Centre the IDEASFORUM team discussed and evaluated the following list of possible future areas of activity.

  1. Increase awareness on standardisation initiatives relevant for cross-domain development (eg, GAIA-X, International Data Spaces Association, X-Road, eID NRW, cybersecurity to protect customers’ accounts, etc).
  2. The IDEASFORUM Community should contribute to build and cooperate with research institutions and look at the establishment of a Research & Innovation Alliance, to catalyse and streamline innovation efforts in its competence areas.
  3. The IDEASFORUM Smart Energy Competence Centre should take an active role in supporting and promoting initiatives for the development of micro-grid concepts in line with the formalised role of Local Energy Communities – Directive (EU) 2019/944 and assure that the discussion on regulatory changes, governance models and service oriented architectures makes significative progresses.
  4. The IDEASFORUM Smart Energy Competence Centre should actively participate to the work of the FIWARE Foundation and Linux For Energy Program (LFE) on Smart Data Models to support the deployment of future digital energy services.

The work on all these streams have already started and several individuals and organisations have expressed support and initiated engaging with the work of the working groups.

Should you or your organisation be interested to join our Smart Energy Competence Center and its working groups, please send us an email