von Wiebke Schuchardt | Sep. 28, 2020
Join FIWARE’s Alberto Abella in an overview of the SmartDataModels.org Project.
The FIWARE Foundation has recently launched Smart Data Models. This is a repository of reference data models to help developers working on applications for Smart Cities, Smart Agrifood, Smart Environment, Smart Sensoring, Smart Energy, Smart Water and other domains. These reference data models are intended to be used wherever you want but with compliance to FIWARE NGSI version 2 and NGSI-LD.
More information on https://smartdatamodels.org/.
Die FIWARE Foundation hat kürzlich Smart Data Models ins Leben gerufen. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Sammlung mit Referenzdatenmodellen, die Entwicklern, die an Anwendungen für Smart Cities, Smart Agrifood, Smart Environment, Smart Sensoring, Smart Energy, Smart Water und anderen Bereichen arbeiten, helfen soll. Diese Referenzdatenmodelle können eingesetzt werden, wie und wo Sie es wünschen, aber unter Einhaltung von FIWARE NGSI Version 2 und NGSI-LD.
Mehr Informationen auf https://smartdatamodels.org/.
Alberto Abella is PhD in Business (Open data) and Telecommunications Engineer and Master in Total Quality Management, Business Administration and Business Organization. He works as a Data Modelling Expert and Technical Evangelist at FIWARE and currently is responsible for the „smart data models“ initiative. Formerly he worked as Senior Manager at desideDatum for the business lines of Data governance, open data and smart cities. He is a researcher on data, data-reusability, open data, big data, and its use in several environments like Smart cities. He also has investigated in the field of citizen experience. Founder and board member of Iniciativa Barcelona Open data.
Alberto Abella ist promovierter Wirtschaftsingenieur (Open data) und Telekommunikationsingenieur und besitzt einen Master in Total Quality Management, Betriebswirtschaft und Unternehmensorganisation. Er arbeitet als Datenmodellierungsexperte und technischer Evangelist bei FIWARE und ist derzeit für die Initiative „intelligente Datenmodelle“ verantwortlich. Zuvor arbeitete er als Senior Manager bei desideDatum für die Geschäftsbereiche Data Governance, Open Data und Smart Cities. Er forscht zu Daten, Datenwiederverwendbarkeit, offenen Daten, großen Daten und ihrer Verwendung in verschiedenen Umgebungen wie Smart Cities. Auch im Bereich der Bürgererfahrung hat er Forschungen unternommen. Er ist Gründer und Vorstandsmitglied von Iniciativa Barcelona Open data.
von Wiebke Schuchardt | Sep. 28, 2020
Join the City of Wolfsburg and Florence on how they have implemented new philosophies of mobility platforms.
Smart mobility platforms can help congested cities in addressing some of their problems, by providing information to citizens, allowing to find, book and pay for point-to-point trips, finding, booking and paying for parking, etc.
Join IDEASFORUM in this excursus on how two cities as far apart as, Wolfsburg in Germany and Florence in Italy have addressed these topics.
Intelligente Mobilitätsplattformen können überlasteten Städten bei der Bewältigung einiger ihrer Probleme helfen, indem sie den Bürgern nützliche Informationen zur Verfügung stellen. Diese ermöglichen es ihnen Parkplätze zu finden, zu buchen und zu bezahlen usw. Auch die Interoperabilität zwischen verschiedenen Verkehrsträgern muss verbessert werden.
Beteiligen Sie sich im IDEASFORUM an diesem Exkurs darüber, wie zwei so weit voneinander entfernte Städte, Wolfsburg in Deutschland und Florenz in Italien, diese Themen angegangen sind.
Benedetta Carlotti holds a PhD from the Scuola Normale Superiore and an MA from the University of Siena. Since 2018 she works in phoops as project manager where she has started and deepen her experience in the Smart Mobility and Smart City domain. Currently she is particularly involved in the management of MUV-APP (Mobility as a Service platform) and In2iCity (Smart City as a Service platform). In phoops she also manages public procurements both at the EU and national level
Benedetta Carlotti hat einen Doktortitel für Soziologie und Politikwissenschaft von der Scuola Normale Superiore sowie einen Master von der Universität von Siena. Seit 2018 arbeitet sie bei phoops als Projektmanagerin, wo sie ihre Erfahrungen im Bereich Smart Mobility und Smart City begonnen und vertieft hat. Derzeit ist sie insbesondere am Management von MUV-APP (Mobility as a Service-Plattform) und In2iCity (Smart City als Service-Plattform) beteiligt. Bei phoops verwaltet sie ebenfalls procurement sowohl auf EU als auch auf nationaler Ebene.
Giovanni Coppa holds a Bachelor of Science from the Ostfalia University and is a Technology Professional currently working as an Head of data centre and cloud innovation at Wobcom in Wolfsburg, Germany. He has more than 10 years of experience in IT Consulting & Business Management in Italy and Germany, provisioning technical guidance and support primarily for Technology, Government, Entertainment, Design, & Architecture Industry Sectors.
Giovanni Coppa hat einen Bachelor of Science von der Ostfalia Universität . Als Technologieexperte arbeitet er derzeit als Leiter der Rechenzentrums- und Cloud-Innovation bei Wobcom in Wolfsburg. Er verfügt über mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung in der IT-Beratung und Unternehmensführung in Italien und Deutschland. Sein Fachbereich war die technische Beratung und Unterstützung für die Branchen Technologie, Regierung, Unterhaltung, Design und Architektur.
von Wiebke Schuchardt | Sep. 16, 2020
Markus Mirz on how CIM (Common Information model) is becoming one of the reference data models for data exchange standardisation.
Markus Mirz, one of the members of FIWARE technology Governance Body and Researcher at RWTH, will provide an inside view on how CIM (Common Information model) is used to support various projects on data exchange standardisation for TSOs (Transmission Service Operators) and DSOs (Distribution Service Operators) and how it could be used to build smart energy applications.
Markus Mirz is a Research Assistant at ACS, RWTH Aachen University, where he has been studying various open source frameworks to support the digitalisation of the energy infrastructure. Markus is a member of the TAC of the FIWARE Foundation and has an extensive knowledge of CIM data models.
von Wiebke Schuchardt | Sep. 15, 2020
Learn about SARGON, Smart eneRGy dOmain oNtology developed to draft a semantical Data model presented in N5GEH project.
Malileh Haghgoo will provide an overview of how the proposed SAREF expansion developed in SARGON targets the interaction between the energy management of building/districts and the electrical automation, considering the control functionalities and the data/measurements that involve the combination of both these aspects.
Maliheh Haghgoo is an M.Sc. in the field of Software System Engineering from RWTH Aachen University with a focus on Virtual Reality. Through her master studies, she worked in the fields of interaction in fully immersive virtual environments and algorithms in GPUs. Following graduation in 2017, she joined the Institute for Automation of Complex Power System (ACS) at RWTH Aachen University as a research associate with a focus on Information and Communication Technologies.
von Wiebke Schuchardt | Sep. 15, 2020
Hear from experts how FIWARE Open Source Generic Enablers have been used to develop several smart energy projects.
Malileh Haghgoo, Markus Mirz and Prof Ing Antonello Monti will provide an overview of how FIWARE technologies have been used across a number of different smart energy projects.
This kickoff session is the first of a series which will encompass Keynotes, Tech-pills (tech-talks from open source experts on specific solutions development topics), presentations and case studies deep-dives.
Register to participate and help enriching the format for our future virtual sessions.
Maliheh Haghgoo is an M.Sc. in the field of Software System Engineering from RWTH Aachen University with a focus on Virtual Reality. Through her master studies, she worked in the fields of interaction in fully immersive virtual environments and algorithms in GPUs. Following graduation in 2017, she joined the Institute for Automation of Complex Power System (ACS) at RWTH Aachen University as a research associate with a focus on Information and Communication Technologies.
Markus Mirz is a Research Assistant at ACS, RWTH Aachen University, where he has been studying various open source frameworks to support the digitalisation of the energy infrastructure. Markus is a member of the TAC of the FIWARE Foundation and has an extensive knowledge of CIM data models.
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