von Gianluca Dianese | Okt. 26, 2020 | Unkategorisiert

The Joint Research Center for Policies of the European Commission has published the new report on Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU.
This document presents the final results of the research “Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU: understanding public sector innovation in a data-driven society”.
Please download the Report from here.
von Gianluca Dianese | Okt. 24, 2020 | Unkategorisiert
On October 21st, the European Commission approved its new Open Source Software Strategy 2020-2023 of the Commission. This is an important step towards achieving the goals of the overarching Digital Strategy of the Commission and contributing to the Digital Europe programme.
To know more click here.
To download the Strategy click here.
von Gianluca Dianese | Okt. 22, 2020 | Unkategorisiert

The Connecting Europe Facility Digital Team has published a Success story on how the use of FIWARE technologies powering the Context Broker building block can support the development of microgrid services and support the implementation of smart energy applications in local energy communities.
Please access the article from here.
von Gianluca Dianese | Okt. 7, 2020 | Unkategorisiert

The recording and presentation from the first virtual MeetUp of IDEASFORUM, organised with the support of the Team of Prof Monti at the University of Aachen RWTH are now available from the links below.
Presentation Smart Energy Competence Center20201005
von Gianluca Dianese | Sep. 30, 2020 | Unkategorisiert

It is with pride that we announce IDEASFORUM has become part of the family of the FIWARE iHubs.
„This achievement strengthens our determination to work closer to the FIWARE Community in bridging the differences and filling the gaps which have prevented digitalisation to reach all parts of society.“.
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